"It's not a question of whether we will win, but when..."
Students and youth join thousands of farmworkers and their families plus Fair Food allies for huge, joyful and resounding marches and rallies at Publix stores in Tampa, FL
March 10, 2011 — Fair Food activists from across the Tampa Bay area, Gainesville, Miami, Lakeland, Pensacola, Jacksonville, Naples and Fort Myers, Orlando, Atlanta, Nashville, Kansas, Denver, New York City and points between gathered in Tampa last weekend for the culmination of the CIW's "Do the Right Thing" Tour.
Together, through Friday's plantones and Saturday's 1,500-people strong marches, rally and pageant, our voices and energy joined and amplified the message from the CIW to Publix (and to the rest of the retail food industry that has yet to step up and support for the Campaign for Fair Food):
It's not a question of whether we will win, but when.
And when we do win, we will not only free workers from oppressive conditions
in the fields, but we will also free Publix from the impossible burden
of supporting and justifying that oppression...
And when we do win, we will not only free workers from oppressive conditions
in the fields, but we will also free Publix from the impossible burden
of supporting and justifying that oppression...
Check out the below video and press reports and the riveting daily reports from the CIW to get a flavor of the excitement and energy from the Do the Right Thing Tour and actions.
Trader Joe's and Kroger continues!!
"Farmworkers target Tampa Publix stores in protests," Associated Press, 3/5/11 "We are all farmworkers," The Atlantic, 3/2/11 "Farmworkers to pressure Stop & Shop," Boston Globe, 2/26/11 "Farmworkers plan rally at Tampa Publix stores," Ft. Myers News-Press, 3/3/11 "Immokalee farmworkers target Tampa Publix stores in protests," Naples Daily News, 3/6/11 "Students head to Boston, rally for tomato pickers," Brown Herald, 2/28/11 | "War of words breaks out in advance of farmworker protest on Saturday," Creative Loafing, 3/4/11 "Fighting for pennies: Tomato protesters battle supermarkets," The Atlantic, 3/2/11 "Immokalee group plans Publix protest this Saturday in Tampa," Naples Daily News, 3/2/11 "Publix customers pledge boycotts until chain stops exploiting farmworkers," Change.org, 3/2/11 "Immokalee workers launch 5-city protest," Democracy Now!, 3/1/11 |